The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: Since I've left Penn State, I think I've become an even more dedicated Penn Stater, if that was possible. I graduated in 2005 and have since started 2 businesses, both related to my days at Penn State in one way or another. VPV Interactive is my interactive design agency, and the teachings of esteemed graphic design professors Lanny and Kristin Sommese really guided me in the right direction to have my own business. As a graphic design superstar, Lanny always preached to his students that, in graphic design, "Verbal Plus Visual Equals Message." That phrase has spawned the name for my company, VPV interactive. My second business is called Jerseys Finest, and we sell collegiate apparel online, specifically jerseys of all kinds. We are currently applying for a license to manufacture our own Penn State apparel, so we are crossing our fingers to get one in order to provide the Penn State community with an even wider range in PSU apparel. My other love from college, THON, has not subsided one bit. The final 4 hours at THON are my favorite 4 hours of the year, and I have been holding events through the DMAIG to help raise money during the THON season for 3+ years now. I'm living in Manhattan and loving life in every way. Owning my own businesses, being able to travel and giving back to the Penn State community is truly a blessing, and I'm thankful for that. |